Wednesday, June 6, 2012

4th oil painting :D

     Oil on Canvas

Finally done after a 2 month hiatus! :O

                                                       Front view(:                                            

Top view and side view! (Yay I painted the sides!)

The starting point. :/ Yellow wash as the base with rough outline of forms using charcoal. It looks like a desert that was hit by a sandstorm. >< As you can see, the starting is really...simple, I only drew the basic forms because I wanted to paint so badly(or maybe I was too lazy :/ ) and I can eventually correct the forms by applying layers of oil paint! By the way, the completed work is filled with textures! The rocks and tree are rough and 'pokey'! :)

The colours are mostly applied by imagination and even though I did refer to the original picture at the start, I realised that it is quite impossible to capture every single detail and every colour accurately. So I gave up on referring to the picture and start applying colours based on what I feel as I believe that this will give the painting a sense of personality.(:

I like this painting because it has a warm feel to it. XD